Canadian authors and publishers sign open letter in support of Giller protesters; Anne Boyer resigns as poetry editor at New York Times Magazine
The Giller protesters also received support on social media.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
The Giller protesters also received support on social media.
Shibli's novel is not without controversy itself.
The ACP declares that it "stands in solidarity with the American writing, publishing, and bookselling communities."
There is a direct line between the Oklahoma City bombing and the Capitol insurrection of January 6, 2021.
The extension of the copyright term by twenty years – or fifty, or one hundred years – is meaningless if educational institutions remain free to pillage copyright works with impunity.
Labour leader Kier Starmer noted the book will be out by Christmas and asked, "Is that the release date or the title?"
"If you are afraid of the ascendancy of fascism in this country – and you would be very foolish not to be right now – then you had better understand that the root issue here has to do with male supremacy and the control of women."
The stunt by the junior senator from Texas backfired in the most spectacular way.
“I never thought Ukrainians anywhere would welcome Russian occupation,” says Marples.
The blanket move affects all state-run Russian arts organizations and individual Russians applying for funding in Canada.