Working blue: In her sophomore novel, Brittany Newell probes the limits of desire and loneliness
Newell unfolds a tale that is, in places, almost unbearably sad in its portrayal of contemporary anomie.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
Newell unfolds a tale that is, in places, almost unbearably sad in its portrayal of contemporary anomie.
Moral certitude makes for strange bedfellows.
"This gives us some hope that books will be excluded."
Two jurors – Jordan Abel and Aaron Tucker – have been quietly scrubbed from the Giller Prize website.
The chaotic nature of the tariff rollout, while not surprising from the Trump administration, is nevertheless a challenge in trying to determine how best to respond.
The author for the most part eschews theory, opting instead to read the works through a lens of discursive and biographical criticism.
The inaugural title in Spiderline's "new direction" was An Ordinary Violence by Adriana Chartrand.
For those looking for a solid throwback to the great pulp horror novels of the ’80s, this one is a good bet.
Pelly's book is a sobering look at the real and measurable harms the service is having on the global music ecosystem.
Okorafor does not miss a single opportunity to critique the contemporary media establishment.