Bad vibes: In her first book, music journalist Liz Pelly provides a caustic critique of the ways Spotify is degrading music
Pelly's book is a sobering look at the real and measurable harms the service is having on the global music ecosystem.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
Pelly's book is a sobering look at the real and measurable harms the service is having on the global music ecosystem.
If the First Amendment provides protection for every artistic endeavour except rap music, it then becomes impossible not to see this Constitutional provision as a racist instrument.
Hyden's book reads a bit like a requiem for a more innocent time.
There is something frankly creepy about the apparent need people seem to have to parse every aspect of Swift's life and output.
Pink says that books "have held a special joy" since her childhood.
Zanes is familiar with the technical aspects of production, and his descriptions of how Nebraska was captured on tape provide some of the most fascinating moments in his book.