Lisa Alward’s debut short fiction collection is a quietly potent cocktail
The stories display a surface placidity that belies their deeper structure.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
The stories display a surface placidity that belies their deeper structure.
It's hard to fault the contributors to the volume, or the ambition of the editors.
LeBlanc's short fiction is refreshingly resistant to closure.
This latest volume offers an energetic point of entry as well as a strong argument for Oates's continued relevance.
There are pleasures aplenty to be found in Bazterrica's bitter and poisoned bouquet.
Le Guin had her pulse on the present and was able to anticipate where the human species was likely headed given its current trajectory.
The narrative highlights the danger ordinary citizens faced while attempting even routine business during wartime.
If Welty begins her tale as a moody Gothic throwback, by the conclusion she has injected a large dollop of ridiculousness.
Level was closely associated with Paris's notorious Théâtre du Grand-Guignol.
Throughout the story, lies and deception are common factors uniting the various characters.