Debut novelist Rebecca Watson reckons with how form can be used to reflect the realities of contemporary society
little scratch acts as a kind of bridge between Modernism and our current culture of distraction.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
little scratch acts as a kind of bridge between Modernism and our current culture of distraction.
The community group is united in opposition to skyrocketing rents forcing out small-business owners and renters who created the artistic neighbourhood that has become a tourist attraction.
Clarke’s story – nominally a comic work – is a piercing examination of the way Canadian capitalism disfavours those who are not white.
If you can get a person to pick up a book in a store, half your job is done.
“The Man of To-morrow’s Lament” imagines Superman’s angst at not being able to live a normal life after marrying Lois Lane.
The New York Times literary critic surveys the history of the newspaper’s book review to discover what has, and what hasn’t, changed in the last century.
The potential combined market clout of two major multinationals provides potential negative results for independent publishers, authors, and readers alike.
The dearth of serious literary critique in contemporary society is concerning, because a robust literature depends on robust criticism.
The American author’s fiction is too frequently placed in a generic box; her output was much more wide ranging, including pieces like this atypical story.
Barry Lyga’s letter, titled “No Book Deals for Traitors” says that “no one should be enriched for their contributions to evil.”