Gail Crowther’s latest volume examines the underappreciated legacy of Dorothy Parker’s time in Hollywood
One thing Crowther does accentuate is Parker's versatility.
A Blog About Books and Reading
A Blog About Books and Reading
One thing Crowther does accentuate is Parker's versatility.
"I don't think any of us are 100% good or 100% bad. And I think it's kind of boring to portray characters that way."
At its best, horror has always skirted an anarchic or illicit sensibility.
It would be salutary if writers addressing the genre would cease treating it as though it has been relevant for only the past ten or twenty years.
There is a wealth of behind-the-scenes information on offer in MCU.
Singer generally adopts the pose of the fan rather than the critic.
It's hard to fault the contributors to the volume, or the ambition of the editors.
The Black Guy Dies First reads like little more than Horror Noire for the attention-deficit crowd.
Heading into 2023, it appears that inflation, which is being felt particularly where hardcovers are concerned, has booksellers nervous about purchasing patterns over the coming months.
Cinema Speculation is a good primer on the groundbreaking cinema that influenced one of the savviest, most provocative filmmakers of his own generation.